Recipe # 33 – Favourite fried chicken


Recipe # 33 – Favourite fried chicken

This is an odd fusion of country style Southern cooking meets Italian finesse.

The meal comprises of a simple spaghetti pasta served with fresh basil and parsley and a reduced tomato sauce, which in and of itself is a fantastic meal, but it is further topped with these delicious breaded/crumbed chicken pieces.

I had the added pleasure of being able to make it with basil out of my garden, both the green and purple sweet basil types, which added to the complexity in both colour and taste.

It is certainly 20 minute worthy, and a pleasure to cook and serve, great comfort food.

posted under Classic meat
4 Comments to

“Recipe # 33 – Favourite fried chicken”

  1. Avatar October 11th, 2010 at 10:53 AM Hila Says:

    Interesting fact, the italians crumb food too often referred to as Milanese :)

  2. Avatar October 11th, 2010 at 11:14 AM Matt Allison Says:

    That I did not know! Did it gets it’s name from Milan? Are they implying Milan is ‘Crumby’, LOL!

  3. Avatar October 12th, 2010 at 10:16 AM Hila Says:

    hahah well yes, the Italians don’t seem to like the Milanese too much

  4. Avatar October 20th, 2010 at 1:05 AM Matt Allison Says:

    Yeah, I think with all the other options around breaded anything seems the least appetizing.

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