Browsing Tasty stir-fries

Recipe #59 & #60 – Quick seafood stir-fry with lemon rice & Sweet French toast with marmalade sauce


Quick seafood stir-fry with lemon rice

Well I did it, 60 new recipes in under 3 months, drawing to a close my Jamie Oliver ’20 minute meals’ challenge. Read the rest of this entry »

Recipe #42 – Tofu stir-fry with noodle salad


Recipe #42 - Tofu stir-fry with noodle salad

Tofu conjures up all kinds of memories and stereotypes, sadly, not good ones. The stigma I guess has almost been put into play by Hollywood where Tofu is normally consumed by some tripped out hippie vegan who happens to also be a feminism with a distaste for ‘meat-eaters’… in reality this isn’t true (though it may be for some!) and I found the dish quite appetizing. Read the rest of this entry »

Recipe #39 – Pork chow mein


Recipe #39 – Pork chow mein

Right, as you may have guessed from the infrequency of my last few posts, we are still kitchen-less… building is somewhat taking its toll, but the end is hopefully in sight.

Adding to the stress has been doing OTHER building renovations simultaneously: new guttering, replacing the front of our house with aluminum extrusions etc. ARGGG…

A saving grace has been having my in-laws close by, allowing us to use their kitchen, washing machine and dish washer, so it was only fitting to return the favour with a meal. Read the rest of this entry »

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