Recipe # 30 – Tuna and tomato rigatoni


Recipe # 30 – Tuna and tomato rigatoni

I’ve hit the next milestone in my culinary challenge, I’ve completed recipe #30, thus I’m officially half way through cooking each one of Jamie’s ’20 minute meals’ for the iPhone in almost as many days.

I’ll admit I had some reservations about this particular dish, I love fish and I love pasta, I just don’t like them in the same meal. I guess it stems from spending some of my formative years in a boarding school where pilchard lasagna appeared on the menu all too often.

The key to the dish I believe is using tuna in olive oil, not brine or vegetable oil, and I was able to locate this at Sagra Foods on my last outing looking for buffalo mozz for last weeks Cheesy courgette and mint risotto, which again is highly recommended!

The meal is certainly 20 minute worthy and a breeze to whip together. Thankfully unlike the curry dishes, making the pasta from scratch isn’t a prerequisite, though I must say that I do quite fancy the challenge and in time hope to purchase a pasta maker.

I think I may just be rid of my pisces and pasta bondage, here is hoping…

posted under Easy pasta
6 Comments to

“Recipe # 30 – Tuna and tomato rigatoni”

  1. Avatar October 5th, 2010 at 9:29 AM Daphne Says:

    That looks delicious!

  2. Avatar October 5th, 2010 at 9:34 AM Matt Allison Says:

    Thanks Daphne,

    It tasted great! Not something I would have naturally gravitated towards, but part of the joy of this challenge, I’m constantly and pleasantly surprise!


  3. Avatar October 5th, 2010 at 9:48 AM polkadotcupcake Says:

    This looks divine! I make a tuna and tomato pasta quite often, and it’s such an easy vehicle to slip a load of veggies into (not that I have em, but great for kids, I imagine!).

  4. Avatar October 5th, 2010 at 9:59 AM Matt Allison Says:

    Well my little monster is far from eating veggies and tuna, but yes, the name of the game is, disguise… Hah Hah.

  5. Avatar February 1st, 2012 at 3:34 PM Sarah W Says:

    What’s the recipe?

  6. Avatar February 3rd, 2012 at 5:05 PM Matt Allison Says:

    Hi Sarah, the recipe can be found in Jamie’s 20-minute meals iPhone app, this site was designed as a companion to it and just my own thoughts on each of his meals.

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