Browsing Classic meat

Recipe # 26 – Mega homemade cheeseburgers


Recipe # 26 – Mega homemade cheeseburgers

I think once, and only once, as a child I attempted this, making my own burgers, I mean why bother when you can walk into any convenient supermarket and buy hamburger patties… well try this just once and you’ll NEVER buy a patty again. Read the rest of this entry »

Recipe # 25 – Grilled pork chops with broccoli and beans


Recipe # 25 – Grilled pork chops with broccoli and beans

I’m still learning to cook with cast iron cookware. Typically where you may need to cook at a higher heat with other materials, the evenness of the heat disbursement of cast iron allows one to cook at lower temperatures and achieve the same results. Read the rest of this entry »

Recipe #19 – Herby grilled chicken kebabs


Recipe #19 – Herby grilled chicken kebabs

Well I decided to jump the gun and start national braai day early, though in all fairness, grilling in your oven hardly constitutes braaing does it? Read the rest of this entry »

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