Browsing Feb Foodies

Savoury cheese and onion tart


Savoury Cheese and Onion Tart

Come one, come all as we hear tales from distant shores. A weird opening line, but followers of Jane-Anne Hobbs will know that aside from being a mother, a wife and bustling cook she is also THE source for Twitter news, sometimes tardy and macabre, always fresh and interesting. Read the rest of this entry »

posted under Feb Foodies | 3 Comments »

Pad thai with prawns


pad thai with prawns

Ladies and gentle, Sam Linsell, better known as Drizzle and Dip. I’m a little fuzzy on how we first encountered each other, however I do remember our first face to face at the inaugural ‘masterclass’ series presented by chef to the stars, Neill Anthony. Read the rest of this entry »

posted under Feb Foodies | 6 Comments »

Smokey chilli ostrich goulash


Smokey Chilli Ostrich Goulash

Allow me to introduce, Ishay Govender-Ypma, better known as ‘Food and the Fabulous’, and darling, she is just that. Ishay and I started our blogs around the same time and have become great friends both on and off-line and I’m honoured she’s entrusted me with this recipe and deeply value our friendship. Read the rest of this entry »

posted under Feb Foodies | 3 Comments »
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